Missing Child Task Force — Operation Orphan
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info@operation-orphan.org | UK: +441158969942 | USA: +1 941 205807

Missing Child Task Force

Our mission is to help locate, recover and restore missing children and young people.



Just think what you would do if your child or a child that was close to you suddenly went missing. Most would want to move heaven and earth to find them but sadly would not know where to start. The following UK statistics are the tip of the iceberg. Sadly children are the product of the largest growing industry in the world and they need fathers and mothers to protect them, making the effort to find them, should they go missing.

65 800 children went missing between 1st April 2019 & 31st March 2020. (27 forces)

11 744 children in care in E&W went missing between 1st April 2019 & 31st March 2020. (27 forces)

4276 children were not found within 1 week in E&W between 1st April 2019 & 31st March 2020.

882 children were missing for longer than 28 days in E&W between 1st April 2019 & 31st March 2020.

1687 children remain missing in E&W.

REF: NCA UK Missing Persons Unit Missing Persons Data Report 2019/20

How we work.

1.      Referrals

Through a referral process we support Local Police and Social Services by providing an enhanced, multi faceted, global intelligence, investigative and recovery capability. 

2.      ‘72hr+ Missing Child Line’ 

If you know of a child that has been missing for more than 72 hrs and would like our assistance please:

  1. Ensure you have contacted the Police.

  2. Complete the 72hr+Missing Child Report Form

3. or Call us on 0115 896 9942

4. or Email - missingchild@operation-orphan.org 

3.      Proactive Investigations

In addition to the Missing Child Line and Referral Process, the task force proactively search for missing children no one is actively looking for. Our teams gather evidence and collaborate with the relevant authorities to find and legally recover them. 

4. After-Recovery Care

Care after recovery focuses on the needs of the individual child, ranging from family reunification, post-traumatic therapy to long term care through our care network and everything in between.


Who is in the Task force

The team comprise of active and retired police detectives, retired special forces operators, lawyers and IT experts from across the globe, all committed to ensuring missing children are found and made safe. Due to the nature of the work, members of the team remain anonymous.

Please consider joining the mission by making a donation.

Donations to the Missing Child Task Force are administered by Operation Orphan, with the guarantee that 100% we receive is used to cover investigation and operational expenses and costs associated with the long term care of recovered children. 

72 hr + Missing Child Report Form

In addition to completing this form, please ensure you have reported this to the police.