Get Involved — Operation Orphan
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Get Involved

Global Expeditions

We believe that entering into another’s culture is an eye-opening and ultimately a hugely fulfilling experience. Engaging with those who have very little, challenges our world view and causes us to expand our thinking. These trips are also an opportunity to make new friends, try new food, see new sights and make a positive impact.



We have so many different ways to volunteer with the charity. It's not just for those living in Nottingham, you could volunteer from where you are whether that's in the UK or further afield. Check out the opportunities on our volunteering page and if you have another idea please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you. 


 Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh volunteering element is about choosing to give time to help people, the community or society, the environment or animals. Volunteering with Operation Orphan means that you are helping to support orphans and vulnerable children across the world and right here in Nottingham.


There are so many ways that you can raise funds for us. Maybe you want to go it alone and take on a personal challenge, or perhaps you could get a whole team behind it. Check out the different ways below that you could help us to raise funds. Don't forget every penny we receive goes directly to supporting the children.

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Hope Alive Tour

Inspired by William Wilberforce’s stand against slavery, Operation Orphan is committed to addressing our modern day crisis of child slavery and exploitation. The Hope Alive Tour forms an integral part of our strategy to combat this threat. 

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If you are looking for ways to engage with us then why not consider becoming a clothing collection partner and support our mission to Keep Children Warm

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Leave a Legacy

Many parents work tirelessly to ensure they leave an inheritance for their children. The children we care for don’t have parents who are doing this. Would you consider leaving a legacy for these children in your will?

To talk to someone about this please contact our Managing Director, Brad Moore.


We use 100% of the money you give

Because our admin costs are underwritten by Danbro and our brand and marketing is provided free of charge by The Media Collective, we promise that 100% of your donations go directly to our projects.