Distributing 260 Blankets in Hatay

In the midst of our team’s deployment to Hatay, they distributed a grand total of 260 hand-crafted blankets directly to orphaned and displaced children. Go team!

Recently, our Crisis Response Team deployed to Hatay after their offer of assistance was accepted by the Turkish government. They volunteered their time to help the families and children affected by the earthquakes; during their time, they have heard some incredibly tragic stories and devastating loss. However, thanks to all of the donations we received, our team have been able to provide basic essentials for many people in desperate need - one of which is by supplying 260 hand-crafted blankets!

Our Crisis Response Team and some of the Turkish children holding their new, colourful blankets!

See if you can spot your blanket!

Our team visited 3 IDP (internally displaced people) camps and gave 260 hand-crafted blankets directly to orphaned and displaced children. Large blankets are a staple to Operation Orphan. We are constantly asking for large blanket donations as they are special gifts of warmth supplied by our lovely knitters and crocheters! Thus, it is no surprise that our CRT made sure to bring lots of large, beautiful, hand-made blankets to distribute to the children.

Large family tents, hand-knitted blankets, emergency foil blankets, toys, hygiene products, generators, water filtration systems, food, alongside some emergency cash, were given to those in need, depending on their personal situation.

Bence, a member of our CRT, distributing hand-made blankets to the Turkish children.

The children love the colourful blankets!

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to support us, especially to all of the knitters and crocheters who dedicate so much time into their craft and trust us with their donations. We are always in awe of the blankets we receive and cannot fathom how much love and dedication is put into them - they are such a wonderful thing for the children to be able to receive. Not only do they provide warmth in freezing cold conditions, but they also provide a pop of colour in bleak circumstances.

We promise that your donations are truly going to where we say they’re going and they are making a massive difference! Please watch the video below from one of our long-term supporters, Julia, who has been supporting us for over 10 years! We are so thankful for every blanket donation we receive, and always thrilled to hear people reach out to let us know that they’ve spotted their blankets on our social media.

If you would like to donate to help us deploy a follow-up team to Turkey, please click onto the button below which will direct you to our donation page. Our ethical 100% promise means that your donation is never used for our core UK admin, but instead promises every penny to go towards helping the children. If you can give today, you would be empowering us to make a significant difference.

Additionally, if you would like to donate a large blanket to support our cause, please post your blankets to our office in Nottingham, or get in touch to arrange a drop-off appointment. Our address is 143 Attenborough Lane, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 6AA. If you have any further enquiries, please click onto the button below which will direct you to our contact page.