Hope in Hatay (Part 1)

After a full week of preparing and waiting for an official invitation from the Turkish government, the Crisis Response Team deployed to Hatay, Turkey to support those affected by the devastating earthquakes.

On Monday February 13th, six members of our Crisis Response Team flew into Istanbul where they met with Turkish officials and a translator. Upon request, they were then sent to operate in the province of Hatay which borders Syria. The area was intensely hit by the earthquakes and the need for support is astronomical. After a late arrival into Hatay made even later by setting up their camp and sleeping arrangements (pictured below), CRT headed out first thing the next morning to begin their work of identifying, making safe, and keeping safe, children who have lost their families due to the disaster.

CRT’s campsite: nights would hit below freezing as the team slept outside in tents.

The team spent their first and second days of operations in Hatay connecting with children who have been affected by the earthquakes. At one of the IDP camps they visited, more than 50 orphaned children were there, showing just how devastating this event has been. Members of CRT passed out colouring books and pencils, footballs, jump ropes, and our beautiful hand-knitted blankets. These items are used to help children process their trauma, allowing them to have a sense of normality and fun amidst deeply upsetting and saddening experiences.  

CRT also travelled to see four families referred to them by Turkish social services: each with children who have lost at least one of their parents. One of the most vulnerable family units they visited was two young sisters whose father passed away and mother is critically ill and in the hospital. The girls had been taken in by their grandparents and are living in an incredibly small house with four other families - over forty people- who have all had their homes destroyed by the earthquakes. The families had yet to receive any aid, and our team was so encouraged to be able to provide some support to the families.

Even amidst all of the pain and heartbreak caused by these earthquakes, the team was able to finish up the day with an overlying feeling of umut (hope in Turkish) within the community. In the video below, Brad beautifully summarizes the events of day three: conveying the deep loss felt within the community but also a sense of camaraderie and belief that there is light emerging from the darkness.

We are so thankful to everyone who supports us and our efforts to bring hope to people who have lost so much. We are grateful and incredibly proud to be apart of the work to help this community. Our hearts go out to every single person who has enabled us to deploy, and we cannot thank you all enough.

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