Car Wash to Beat the Heat

The phenomenal ‘Team 2’ of NCS Student’s summer program organized and hosted a car wash to fundraise for us!

The team got in touch saying they wanted to have a car wash to raise money for us and came to pick up some flyers, vests, and a collection box a few days later.

The car wash, held on two of the hottest days this summer, was a smash success! Working at a car wash seems like the best place to cool off during a heat wave!

Caitlin and Emma got the chance to visit Team 2 at their car wash and was blown away by the student’s enthusiasm and passion to raise money by washing cars. These guys were determined to get customers and give their cars the finest clean; they even washed bikes!

It was a great team effort and together they raised a total of £290! Fantastic job Team 2, we’re so proud of you all!