Hope in Zimbabwe

Amazing work continues in Zimbabwe and we are always blown away by the updates we receive from our front line workers. Hope for life (one of our projects in Zimbabwe) is a support group for orphaned young people who are living with HIV.

The way they support one another is unmatched, as they can relate to one another in ways nobody else understands. Whilst pastoral support is on hand, the peer support they receive from being part of this group is life changing for them.

In other Zimbabwe based projects, children are enabled to attend school and/or collage and others have the privilege of attending our homework center. This sets them up for their education and really helps them to succeed.

There are a growing number of young people learning at vocational training college - learning skills to ensure they are equipped with needed skills. It’s fantastic to see them enjoying their chosen vocation and getting jobs too!

We are so proud of all the young people- they smile in the face of adversity.
